God's will, God's plans

Man's life and daily work are planned by God. God has a plan for the life and daily activities of every believer. He has His good will concerning everyone who is redeemed by the blood. God has a plan concerning every move and act of a regenerated child of His. Since the Father has His plans, He desires that a Christian walk according to these plans.

Harmony with God is an important condition for knowing His will. Every time we seek His will, we have to trust in His strength to examine ourselves. We have to ask if self-will exists in the deepest part of our heart, if we have any inclinations or desires, and if we are seeking the Lord's will out of a clean and undefiled heart.

There are three ways that God shows us His will:
1. The prompting of the Spirit, 
2. The teaching of the Bible,
3. The provisions in the environment.

If a believer wants to understand God's will, he must study (not just read) the Bible. The words of the Bible are easy to understand because they are revealed to babes (Matt. 11:25). The Bible is God's complete revelation. It has clear explanations concerning His plan, His ways, His will, and all other kinds of questions. God gave the Bible to His people with the expectation that they would understand all of His will. Therefore, if believers do not study the Bible and instead just complain that they do not understand God's will, they have no excuse.

In our daily life, the most important rule is the Bible.

God! I want what You want. I do not want what You do not want. Please prove to me what is of You and what is not of You.

Blessed are those who are attracted by God's love, who look forward to the coming glory, who have no reluctance in their hearts to do God's will, and who are always ready and waiting for His command. Happy are these ones!

The most important questions we must ask before do many things, "Is this God's will? Is this God's will for me? Is this God's time? and, Is this God's way?" We had to wait until we was completely clear about the answers to these questions before we would act. If we act cautiously, we will not make mistakes. (Learn from George Muller)


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